If you have lost someone close to you, it is likely that you’ve considered having a medium reading before.  And that’s hardly surprising. When a family member or friend passes on to the other side, we miss them, we want to speak to them, and we want to check that they are OK.

The good news?

You may be able to do just that with the help of psychic mediums!

You see, unlike ‘regular’ psychics, mediums have the ability to contact our deceased loved ones. This makes them very popular.

Of course, medium readings can be expensive which might put some people off.

Luckily, there are places you can get medium readings free (or at least at a very discounted price).

But is it possible to get a completely free medium reading online? Let’s find out:

Is it Possible to Have a Truly Free Online Medium Reading?

In order to be worthwhile, a medium reading takes time. To understand why this is, it is worth explaining what happens during a normal session:

  • First, the reader makes sure you feel comfortable. 
  • Then they find out the reason for your call. Is there someone specific you’re hoping to hear from? Are you looking for advice or simply reassurance that your loved one is OK?
  • Next, they concentrate on making contact. Using their gift, they tune into your unique energy and reach out to spirits that want to talk to you.
  • Then, once contact is established, your reader needs to share some little details with you. Titbits that prove you are speaking to someone you love.
  • Once you’re sure that the medium is legit, it’s likely that you’ll want to ask questions. 

As you can imagine, this process is not one you’ll want to rush. 

Unfortunately, when it comes to free medium readings online, most services only offer a set number of free minutes. 

This means that you are unlikely to finish your reading within the allotted time.

So, while it is possible to talk to a medium for free, it’s not really possible to find free online medium readings that are both satisfying and completely free. 

However, you can get a fantastic reading for a fraction of the normal price.

But what if you’re set on a free medium reading by phone or chat? Is there a way to maximize your free minutes in order to avoid paying a dime?

Making the Most of Online Medium Free Readings

If you are happy to rush your reading there are a few steps you can take. First, choose your provider wisely. 

For the best chance at a completely free reading, you’re going to want to go with whichever provider offers the most free minutes. 


  • Plan your questions carefully. Remember, during a free reading, you’re only going to have time for a couple of questions. So, try to make them good!
  • Set a timer. This way you know when your minutes are running low, and you can steer the conversation towards what you most want to learn.
  • Let your advisor know you’re in a rush. That way, they can keep small talk to a minimum.

OK, you’re good to go!

Now, before you pick up your phone, you may be wondering whether medium readings are safe:

Are Psychic Medium Readings Safe?

Although contacting the spirit world sounds a little scary, free readings from mediums are safe. 

However, whilst spirit readings are free from danger, they can be emotionally taxing. Because of this, we advise that you seriously consider whether you are ready for the potential of:

  • Hearing from deceased loved ones AND
  • For the disappointment of not hearing from the spirits you seek

Remember, psychic mediums can only communicate with the spirits that come through. Unfortunately, this means that you might not get to speak to the person you miss most.

So, does this mean that free mediums are inaccurate? Let’s take a look:

Are Free Mediumship Readings Accurate?

Now while it is true that mediums can’t summon specific spirits, this doesn’t mean all psychics are faking their ability. Put simply, spirits choose whether to communicate with the living world. 

Look, here’s the deal:

There are many different reasons they might choose not to appear.

But, before we go any further it is important to note that there are fake mediums operating online.

As a result of this, many people worry that if they can talk to a medium online for free, they are more likely to be a fraud.

Luckily, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

You see, services offering free psychic readings do this for one reason and one reason only: they want you to become a paying customer. This means they need you to keep coming back for more. 

Now, would you continue to use a service that didn’t work? We know we wouldn’t!

This means that if providers employed fake mediums to give free readings, they would lose future sales. 

That’s just not good business sense!

Because of this, you can be pretty sure that, providing you use a reputable service, your free reading will be accurate.

Now, there is one exception to this rule: 

You may have seen websites offering a free medium reading by email? The kind of site that doesn’t offer paid for readings at all?

Well, we are fairly confident that most of these websites are scams.

Of course, there may be some mediums who are happy to provide 100% free readings all of the time… 

But there’s a big catch:

Often, these sites are set up to collect email addresses for marketing purposes and nothing more. This means you are likely to receive a standard reply to your query, instead of a personalized email from a real psychic.

Now that we’ve got that cleared up, let’s look at how you can prepare for your medium reading, over the phone or online:

How to Prepare Yourself Before You Speak with a Medium Reader

Before your free spiritual reading, it is important to take some steps to ready yourself. To start:

  • Find a quiet spot somewhere you’re unlikely to be disturbed
  • Make sure you’re feeling relaxed (meditation can be helpful for this)
  • Prepare some questions. Remember, when speaking to a psychic it is best to ask open-ended questions rather than those that require yes/no answers.

OK, are you ready for your reading? Fantastic! Let’s look at where you can find a trustworthy medium reading:

Where to Find Free Readings (Even if You Don’t Have a Credit Card!)

Finding free readings can be tough. Luckily, the following providers are a great place to start your search!

[item_box title=”Kasamba” order=”1″][item_box title=”Oranum” order=”2″][item_box title=”LifeReader” order=”3″][item_box title=”Psychic Source” order=”4″][item_box title=”Keen” order=”5″]

During this time, they have given over 35 Million psychic readings! Plus, their satisfaction guarantee lends the kind of peace of mind we at CrystalGazer like to see.

OK, so we’ve looked at how to contact a medium for free. We’ve seen where you can find free medium reading chat services, phone readings, and even how you can get a free reading from a medium by video.

Now all that’s left to say is, we hope you find joy and peace from your spiritual readings.

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